Project: create_m3u_from_NeteaseCloudMusic

This project is completed reworked for much better performance and .m3u8 compliance. See release/project-netease-cloudmusic-playlist-exporter/

Netease is working hard to prevent users from listening to local music, especially those VIP exclusive ones. Today (20200531) they even replaced the UWP app with the win32 version in Microsoft Store to force users to accept their new rules: No more VIP music unless you paid, even local ones are not permitted, which is totally ridiculous.

The original UWP app, despite deprecated quite long ago and a little bit ugly, was quite useful on windows tablets as UWP apps are the only choice to play music with the screen turned off.

The project has 2 parts: to find a UWP music player, and exporting the Netease Cloudmusic playlist to it. After some searching, the foobar2000 mobile (not foobar2000) seems to be the only choice.

The exporting process uses Netease Cloudmusic local SQLite database to retrieve the playlist information. Introducing project create_m3u_from_NeteaseCloudMusic: Command Line Tool to Extract ".m3u8" Playlist out of Netease Cloudmusic Library (forked from xyqyear/create_m3u_from_NeteaseCloudMusic)



(wich is equivalent to 'python')

Show help

Exporter.exe -h

Specify playlist to export, or export all

Exporter.exe [-p PLAYLISTNAME]

With this updated version of the command-line tool, an automatic update can be easily done with a '.bat'. Example:

@echo off
REM declare using UTF-8 encoding
chcp 65001
%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\python.exe %UserProfile%\repo\create_m3u_from_NeteaseCloudMusic\ --playlist 我喜欢的音乐

The way Foobar2000 mobile works will always ensure the updated '.m3u8' playlist be used.

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